04 December 2010


नको असलेलं प्रतिबिंब
सतत दृष्टीसमोर का सरकतं?
नको असलेले  विचारांचे वादळ
सतत मनाला का हेलकावत?

खरच सुखाची व्याख्या कशी
नेमक ते काय असतं?
सुख आणि सुखी समिकरणाचा
विरोधाभास असतो.

स्वछंद  उडणाऱ्या पक्ष्यालाही
अनिश्चिततेच भान असतं,
प्रत्येक क्षणी धाडस
माणसाला पेलवाव लागतं.

जगा आणि जगु दया
गणित साधच असतं,
जीवनाचं मोल हे
वेळ गेल्यावर कळत.

Ever wondered why the mind wanders when you want it to concentrate or focus ......be it studies, an exam or simply trying to complete a project?

Sometimes you want to forget a memory & it keeps coming back.
We often stay busy with things that do not matter at all,
and doing so forget that life is passing by, children are growing up....loved ones are leaving us....wish we had given more time to them earlier.

Is there happiness at the end of the journey?
Maybe happiness is hidden 'in' the journey of life- always there, but wanting to be searched.

1 comment:

Maithili said...

Nice one...!!!